Surefire tips for choosing the right Pre-lit Christmas tree

How to Choose the Perfect Size Pre-Lit Christmas Tree for Your Home

There’s nothing quite like a beautiful Christmas tree, but finding one that is stylish and unique can be difficult. If you’re looking for the perfect pre-lit Christmas tree this year, here are some tips to help:

Size matters

The most important thing to consider when buying a pre-lit Christmas tree is its size. If you want the tree to fit in your living room, look for one that’s about 5 to 7 feet tall. If it’s too tall, it might block traffic or cause problems with other decorations in your home.

Make sure it’s sturdy enough

A pre-lit tree should also be sturdy enough to support all of its lights and decorations without falling over easily. You can determine whether or not a pre-lit tree will be sturdy based on how much water it holds — trees that hold more water tend to be sturdier than those that don’t hold as much water.

The more lights, the better

Though not all lights are created equal. Look for one with LED lights that are rated to last at least 10 years.

Don’t forget about the base

A good base will hold up your tree and prevent it from tipping over when there’s too much weight on one side. Metal bases are usually stronger than plastic ones, but they can be heavy, so make sure yours has wheels if it doesn’t come already assembled (most do).

Look for realistic-looking trees made from real branches rather than PVC pipes that look like branches but aren’t as sturdy or lightweight as real ones (there’s no such thing as a fake tree that looks real).

Also consider whether you want an artificial tree with lots of clear lights or colored lights — or maybe even both.

Consider the size of your space

A good rule of thumb is that a pre-lit Christmas tree should take up about two-thirds of your floor space. If you have a large space, then you may want to get a bigger tree. If you have a small space — say an apartment or condo — then you’ll want to get a smaller tree that fits better in the space and doesn’t overwhelm it with its size or weight.

Consider the Style

Once you know how much space you have available, consider the style of tree that will work best in that space. If you want a more traditional look, choose one with lots of pinecone accents and silver tinsel instead of lights and trimmings. If you want something more modern or contemporary, opt for something with more LED lights and less traditional decorations. The choice is yours.

Think about how much room you have to store it

You’ll also want to consider where you plan on storing your tree once Christmas is over. If you live in an apartment building or condo and don’t have access to outside storage or storage lockers, then make sure that whatever size tree you choose will fit into your home after Christmas.